Wildlife Day

Wildlife Day

Every March 3rd, the planet pauses to pay homage to its most untamed and free inhabitants during World Wildlife Day. This day is not just a date on the calendar; it's a worldwide rallying cry for the majestic and diverse tapestry of life that adorns Earth's green and blue canvas. From the shadowed depths of ancient forests to the vast, uncharted expanses of our oceans, World Wildlife Day is a call to action and appreciation for the natural world's wonders. It's an invitation to strap on your explorer's hat, dust off those binoculars, and embark on a journey into the heart of nature's untold stories.

Holiday date
  3 March

About the holiday

A Dive into History

The genesis of World Wildlife Day can be traced back to a pivotal moment on December 20, 2013, when the United Nations General Assembly decreed that the globe needed a dedicated time to celebrate Earth's wild creatures and plants. The date of March 3rd was selected to commemorate the signing of the pivotal Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in 1973, a landmark agreement aimed at ensuring that international trade does not threaten species with extinction. This momentous day was set as a beacon of hope and awareness, casting light on both the splendors and the plights of the world's wild inhabitants.

Through the lens of time, World Wildlife Day has evolved from its nascent beginnings into a worldwide phenomenon. Each year, the day serves as a platform for illuminating the pressing issues facing wildlife, including habitat loss, climate change, and the shadowy dealings of illegal wildlife trade. It's a day that unites conservationists, educators, policymakers, and individuals around the globe in a common mission to foster a sustainable coexistence with our planet's wildlife.

How It's Celebrated

The spirit of World Wildlife Day is celebrated with a fervor that rivals the most jubilant of nature's choruses. Zoological parks, conservation groups, and educational institutions unfurl a spectrum of activities designed to enchant and enlighten. There are guided nature walks that promise encounters with the subtle miracles of the wild, film screenings that bring the wonders of distant ecosystems right before our eyes, and interactive seminars that weave together the stories of conservation efforts across the globe. Meanwhile, digital realms buzz with vibrant wildlife photography, compelling stories of conservation, and actionable insights on how every individual can contribute to the safeguarding of our planet's biodiversity.

World Wildlife Day

Interesting facts


  • Diverse Focus: Each year, World Wildlife Day has a specific theme focusing on different aspects of wildlife and conservation challenges.
  • Global Reach: The day is observed in numerous countries, reflecting a global commitment to wildlife protection and conservation efforts.
  • CITES Impact: The CITES agreement, celebrated on this day, helps regulate international trade in over 35,000 species of animals and plants to prevent their exploitation and extinction.
  • Youth Involvement: Many activities on World Wildlife Day target young people, aiming to foster a new generation of conservationists and environmental advocates.

Were born on 3 March

American professional basketball player of the National Basketball Association (NBA)
1 Place
American actress
2 Place
Italian professional tennis player
3 Place
Director-General of the World Health Organization
4 Place
Commissioner of New York City Department of Sanitation
5 Place
Chair of the Federal Trade Commission
6 Place

Happy World Wildlife Day! Today, we celebrate the incredible diversity of our planet's wildlife and reaffirm our commitment to protecting it. Let’s honor the beauty of nature and work together to ensure that future generations can also experience the wonder of our world’s amazing creatures.

Alena Potapova

Development Director
Died this year
Born this year