20 million was donatived to Mile High United Way by Mackenzie Scott. This is the greatest individual voluntary endowment of a single amount to a single non-profit organization to date.
Scott's contribution is variable and will be spent as part of the business plan to help families and children from Сolorado in Denver.
The recipient company expressed its endless gratitude and appreciation to Mackenzie Scott for the generous gift, noting that this is the best compliment for the company, instilling confidence in the volunteers and everyone involved in the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic.
Near 500 organizations helping Americans and their families fight the COVID-19 epidemic have received over 500 million in offerings from Miss Scott in the past 3-4 months.
Mackenzie Scott is the ex-wife of Jeff Bezos, head of Amazon.com. The marriage was concluded in 1993, and separated in 2019. Mackenzie Scott obtained compensation from the separated proceedings in the amount of about 40 billion. In addition, Scott is a fairly well-known writer, philanthropist, and also the most rich woman on the planet.