Bill Ackman's 3,138-Word Open Letter to Harvard President on Antisemitism
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Bill Ackman's 3,138-Word Open Letter to Harvard President on Antisemitism

6 November 2023
2 min.
Bill Ackman's 3,138-Word Open Letter to Harvard President on Antisemitism

Ackman's Fight Against Campus Hate

Bill Ackman, a billionaire hedge fund manager, is taking a strong stance against what he perceives as a growing wave of anti-Israel sentiment among students at Harvard University.

Ackman posted a lengthy letter on X addressing Harvard's President, Claudine Gay, after discussions on rising antisemitic incidents at the university.

Ackman's letter vividly painted a distressing picture, highlighting instances where Jewish students have been subjected to bullying, physical intimidation, and, disturbingly, even physical assaults. These incidents have spurred Ackman to propose a comprehensive seven-step plan aimed at eradicating antisemitism at Harvard.

In a bid to hold individuals accountable for their actions, Ackman made an unapologetic demand for the university to suspend and take disciplinary action against students he asserts are harboring anti-Israel and antisemitic beliefs.

Ackman's heightened activism on X can be traced back to October 7 when Hamas initiated a series of terrorist attacks on Israel. Over the past 26 days, the Harvard alumnus has cycled through various perspectives, initially assigning blame to different parties and then characterizing the situation as a "growing number of antisemitic incidents on campus."

Bill Ackman promotes transparency by urging Harvard to reveal the identities of students who expressed support for Hamas and blamed Israel in a letter, given Hamas' status as a designated terrorist organization.

This call to action received substantial support, amassing over 70,000 likes. Notably, GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley echoed the sentiment, calling for the publication of the names of all pro-Hamas protesters.

However, Ackman's approach hasn't been without criticism. He faced a sharp rebuke from MSNBC's Mehdi Hasan, who argued that the suggestion amounted to naming, shaming, and penalizing students expressing views that Ackman found disagreeable.

In response, Ackman emphasized his unwavering support for free speech while emphasizing the importance of personal accountability for one's beliefs.

Ackman initially supported revealing student identities but changed his stance on October 30, expressing concerns that it could worsen tensions. He now blames social media platforms for amplifying hatred through algorithm-driven content over a decade.

Persons4 and Companies3 in the news

British-American broadcaster
1 place
30th president of Harvard University
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American politician
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Chief Executive Officer of Pershing Square Tontine Holdings
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X (Twitter)
3 place
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