Union Pacific Transferring Commuter Rail Services to Metra
Union Pacific Transferring C...
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Union Pacific Transferring Commuter Rail Services to Metra

30 March 2023
1 min.
Union Pacific Transferring Commuter Rail Services to Metra

Union Pacific is working with Metra to safely and seamlessly transfer its commuter rail operation in Chicago, including the employees who perform the work. Union Pacific anticipates completing the transfer by the end of first quarter 2024.

As part of the transition, Metra will take over services including train crew, mechanical, car cleaning, rolling stock maintenance, ticket sales and some engineering services. Several management employees transitioned to Metra earlier this year, with plans to start transferring Mechanical and Transportation craft professionals in third quarter 2023.

“We greatly appreciate Metra’s collaboration in continuing to provide excellent and safe service to commuters during this transition,” said Eric Gehringer, executive vice president-Operations. “Thank you to our employees for your outstanding dedication and teamwork to provide uninterrupted commuter experience.”

Union Pacific will continue to maintain the track and manage train movements on its lines: Union Pacific West, Union Pacific Northwest and Union Pacific North.

Persons1 in the news

Executive Vice President-Operations Union Pacific
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