DEC Invites Public Comment on Draft Trout Stream Management Plan
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DEC Invites Public Comment on Draft Trout Stream Management Plan

28 May 2020
2 min.
DEC Invites Public Comment on Draft Trout Stream Management Plan

Commissioner Basil Seggos today announced that DEC is seeking angler feedback on a proposed plan to manage trout in inland streams. The proposed changes are designed to safeguard wild trout and expand fishing opportunities. The deadline for the public to comment on the draft plan is June 25, 2020.

"New York is blessed with a wide array of trout stream resources and we take great pride in our comprehensive efforts to improve their management," said DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos. "This plan is the culmination of more than two years of DEC work and outreach and lays the groundwork for managing our trout streams in a responsible manner while also expanding angling opportunities to the greatest extent possible. I encourage trout stream anglers to read and share their feedback on the draft plan."

Significant aspects of the plan are the direct result of public meetings held with anglers in 2017, to identify desired outcomes for the State's numerous and diverse trout streams. The plan covers a broad spectrum of management areas and angler interests associated with trout stream management in New York.

Major elements of the draft plan include:

  • Drawing a clear line between wild fish and stocked trout management;
  • Placing greater emphasis on habitat improvement;
  • Making management simpler and more understandable;
  • Eliminating unnecessary regulations;
  • Providing year-round fishing opportunities through the creation of a statewide catch-and-release season;
  • Extending the duration of stocking on select stream reaches;
  • Increasing the size of stocked fish;
  • Ensuring that each stocking contains some fish that are 12 inches or larger;
  • Improving the vigor of hatchery brown trout for increased survival;
  • Developing an interactive map for information on stream reach management and fishing access locations; and
  • Expanding outreach on the significance of wild trout populations and the water they inhabit.

DEC encourages the public to comment on the Draft Trout Stream Management Plan, which is available at DEC's website. Public comments will be accepted through June 25, 2020. Following a review of public comments received and further evaluation this summer, DEC will finalize the plan and begin implementation.


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