Individual calculation of compatibility

Calculation of compatibility

Charmaine Penalba and Jorge Martinez Mayol

Charmaine Penalba was born in the year of the Goats. According to the European zodiac - Scorpio. Jorge Martinez Mayol was born in the year of the Horses. According to the European zodiac - Libra. Character compatibility index Scorpio and Libra is 76%. Chinese zodiac signs compatibility index Goats and Horses is 72%. Final compatibility index - 74%.

Compatibility Scorpio and Libra


Zodiac Compatibility

Compatibility Business Love Marriage Sex Friendship

Compatibility description

Scorpio Libra Love Compatibility

Libra and Scorpio belong to completely incompatible elements - Air and Water. Astrologers cannot call this union unsuccessful, but it will never be ideal. The relationship in this pair is mainly dependent on Scorpio. It is this sign that decides whether partners should be together or it is better to separate.

Scorpio and Libra

Libra is the complete opposite of the chosen one, harmless and kind. It is completely incomprehensible what attracts them in the toughest representative of the horoscope. These are cheerful people who go through life with optimism and do not notice problems. They are dreamy, often in the clouds, which brings some difficulties. Libra strives to find its place under the sun, therefore it is in constant search. A negative trait of their character is indecision.

Scorpio's ideas about values ​​and the world are completely different. Representatives of this sign are passionate, strong-willed and strong, always striving for leadership. Scorpio has a fairly high self-esteem, so he is not interested in what other people say about him. He always achieves his goal, despite obstacles. This trait in him attracts a representative of the air element, who needs firmness and balance in life. The sign of water likes the mind and creative thinking of a partner, which he often uses for his own purposes. If Libra and Scorpio see that their partnership promises benefits, then their compatibility has every chance of luck. The main thing in this union is not to focus on the shortcomings of the second half.

Business Compatibility

Business cooperation promises to bring good fruits to Scorpio and Libra, provided that they initially share the roles. The first sign will bring purposefulness, unshakable will to their tandem and will always achieve what they want. The second - will be able to emerge victorious from any negotiations, thanks to his foresight and creativity. Such a team is capable of moving mountains if they combine their efforts. Scorpio needs to learn not to put too much pressure on a partner so that he does not run away under his onslaught.

Love compatibility

At the first stage, the compatibility of Scorpio and Libra in love is quite high due to strong physical attraction. The ardent partner is delighted with his interesting and easy-going lover. In turn, he gives Libra a sense of stability and security, and they are attracted by jealousy and passion.

When a couple gets to know each other better, the first complaints and complaints begin. Scorpio sometimes goes so far as to require complete submission from a partner. If there are real feelings between the signs, then they should continue mutual knowledge. To avoid conflict situations, it is better for them to immediately agree on further coexistence.

Compatibility in love can be quite comfortable if both partners are interested in it.

Sex compatibility

According to astrologers, the couple has a fairly high compatibility in sex, but this is a short-lived phenomenon. There is a strong physical attraction between them, from which a relationship can begin. The representative of the air element usually gushes with various proposals, and the Scorpio gladly brings them to life in bed. After some time, his fantasy goes far, and the water sign is even capable of perversion and aggression. Libras who love romance and gentleness will not appreciate it and will end the relationship.

Marriage compatibility

Astrologers disagree about the compatibility of Scorpio and Libra in marriage. On the one hand, signs can become a successful couple and push each other towards development. On the other hand, they are not too interested in the family, since no one is ready to sacrifice their ambitions for the sake of a partner. After long confrontations in family life, a breakup can occur. A representative of the air element is more agreeable and flexible, especially if he loves a partner. Libra is capable of making concessions and compromises, and can also adjust to a soul mate. However, if there is no response from Scorpio, they will stop looking for points of contact with him.

Friendship compatibility

The friendly compatibility of these signs is at a fairly low level. If Scorpio and Libra do not feel mutual benefit, then they will not be able to come to terms with the negative traits of each other. They will have no incentive to tolerate this. Libra hates that Scorpio is too domineering and aggressive, and he, in turn, annoys Scorpio with detachment and daydreaming.

Compatibility Goat and Horse


Zodiac Compatibility

Compatibility Business Love Marriage Sex Friendship

Compatibility description

Goat man and Horse woman

Love compatibility

The compatibility of a man born in the year of the Goat and a woman born in the year of the Horse is below average, although a romance between representatives of these two signs is not excluded. The nimble and restless lady will not leave the potential chosen one indifferent.

Relationship problems are likely to appear at the initial stage, since the characters of the chosen ones are very different.
The goat longs for the attention of her beloved, and she loves to go out, communicate with people, spend a lot of time outside the house. A man begins to be jealous of his chosen one, to declare his distrust.

The horse is straightforward and uncompromising. She takes pleasure in criticizing her partner and looking for negative sides in him. At the same time, in the case of strong feelings, the Goat's shortcomings will close their eyes.

Marriage compatibility

The compatibility of a Horse-woman and a man-Goat in marriage is assessed as below average. This relationship can hardly be called an example of an exemplary family life. The goat, who is sensitive to home coziness and comfort, does not understand why the spouse is not at all engaged in housing, is not eager to spend more time with her husband. The horse, in turn, wants to constantly go out and learn something new and interesting.
For a lady, the general public is important, the opportunity to show her oratorical skills and show herself. At home, she will not satisfy all these needs, she is only forced to listen to the constant complaints of her husband.

To increase the compatibility of a male Goat and a female Horse, partners need to reconsider their outlook on life. You should not try to build an ideal family, it is important to achieve spiritual harmony next to each other.

Goat Horse Compatibility

Sex compatibility

The compatibility of a Horse woman and a Goat man in sex is not very high. Partners have different temperaments and views on intimate life. The goat is emotional, romantic, passionate, gentle, he likes long foreplay. The horse does not need all these tricks, since it is important for him to satisfy his natural needs. In the bedroom, there is always a rush on her part, she is even ready to take control of the process.

Friendship compatibility

Experts consider the compatibility of a female Horse and a male Goat in friendship to be high. A good relationship between representatives of two signs often lasts for many years. Friends can quarrel, but quickly forget about offenses. Over the years, they only get closer, their mutual trust only strengthens.

Business Compatibility

The compatibility of a male Goat and a female Horse in business is average. On the one hand, the tandem can be productive: the representative of the stronger sex constantly puts forward some new ideas, and the Horse is energetic and hardworking.

However, a lady can get ahead of a man and achieve much greater heights than he. The Goat is offended that the Horse's career is developing rapidly, against the background of this contradictions arise.

Charmaine Penalba - Scorpio and Goat

Scorpios are strong and passionate

Scorpio is a strong sign, but at the same time passive. Communicating with one of his representatives, you will certainly notice this. Scorpio will never betray his indignation, will not pounce on you with fists, but will accumulate resentment, which will then result in poisonous revenge. Withstanding time, Scorpios achieve certain results, that is why they have almost no strong enemies, nevertheless, the circle of ill-wishers is constantly growing.

From the outside, Scorpio seems purposeful, but in truth, only in small things. He will not infringe on himself in something for the sake of unrealizable future prospects.

Scorpio zodiac sign

The attitude of the representative of this sign to the surrounding world develops depending on what he was able to achieve in his life. Unsuccessful Scorpios are often selfish and greedy, and those who are at the top of Olympus do good deeds to a large number of people.

Scorpios are selfish by nature, but philanthropy is not alien to them. Nevertheless, this quality must not only be encouraged, but even cultivated in him due to the fact that he is not capable of it himself.

The bulk of people born under this sign have a bright personality and do not leave anyone indifferent to their person. Throughout their lives, Scorpios face a large number of trials, thanks to which they cultivate ambition and will.

Goat - elegant and artistic

People born in the year of the Goat are endowed with a variety of talents and rich imagination. They are courteous and helpful, elegant and artistic. Most of these people have good taste, understanding of color and shape. They also have strong intuition when dealing with people. Goats know how to please, especially when it is in their interests. They skillfully defend their views and beliefs, their point of view on all issues.

The goat is kind and sweet, inclined to charity and mercy, willingly shares with others, even more unhappy than herself. The goat never refuses to help others. She has a number of sensible and useful advice that she distributes right and left.

Goat zodiac sign

Goats could be the most adorable of all signs if they were more resilient and optimistic, less restless and annoying. In life, they are greatly hampered by shyness, shyness and indecision. The goat is often dissatisfied with its lot and fate, often leads to despair of relatives and friends with its whims and quirks. At times, the Goat becomes aggressive, although she herself does not realize this, and even more so, does not recognize it. She can be very religious, but this does not bother anyone, on the contrary, in these cases she becomes more sweet, more condescending and attentive, more considerate towards others. Then she already controls her actions and actions, weighs and ponders them, begins to reflect and unravel many of her accumulated problems (if her spiritual level is above average).

Much depends on the spiritual level of her development. If it is below average, then materialism comes to the fore. Even with a creative profession, the Goat's fantasy will be very poor, and the imagination will be mundane. In these cases, her indiscipline, the desire to use others for her own benefit and the desire to live at the expense of others make her simply unbearable. But, as a rule, such Goats are found in the minority.

Despite its ambition, the Goat rarely reaches a high social level, financial position. The goat's penetrating power is great, but the fuse is short-lived. In addition, her pessimism and habit of criticizing everything causes a flurry of misunderstandings and adversity. With age, all this can only increase, their relentlessness, stubbornness to obstinacy and lack of plasticity in relations with people can become their own enemy for the Goat.

Jorge Martinez Mayol - Libra and Horse

Libra - modesty and friendliness

Libra is an active sign, however, people who bother to be born under it are not endowed with enough energy to overcome the influence of the people around them, and will rather choose to withdraw into themselves than a stubborn struggle. Being endowed with a sufficient amount of strength to implement any decisions in life, the Libra sign spends too much time on making them, considering all sorts of options and conditions, missing in the end the necessary time to commit an act. It is not possible to force the representative of this sign to act immediately, in this situation he will take every effort to completely remove responsibility for what is happening from him.

When the decision is made, Libra does not step back a step from the choice made and at the level of intuition distributes efforts so as to achieve the set goals, choosing them consistently depending on their significance. It is extremely important that this sign never deviates from the chosen path, regardless of the surrounding temptations.


Actively participating in disputes and disputes, Libras stand not only on their point of view, how much they enjoy the intellectual fight. Occasionally, they provoke conflicts solely in order to be able to defend themselves against enemy attacks.

During periods of life, when the energy of Libra weakens, they turn into closed and low-talk people. One gets the impression that these people are accumulating strength to make a new leap, which they will certainly think over and verify down to the smallest details, although it is possible that they will be a little late.

People born under the sign of Libra are most often blessed with friendliness, modesty and charm. They try not to be offended by trifles and not to hurt loved ones, whose desires and aspirations are guessed by their unique intuition. Libra's gift to predict the future cannot but surprise, especially when combined with lightness in character, not overshadowed by mystical forebodings. From the outside, they are lucky and cheerful, ready for open communication, but their nature is full of contradictions, therefore in some life periods they become real monsters.

Horse - fun and nobility

People born in the year of the Horse are full of thirst for life, adventure and deeds. Possessing an easy character, they spread fun and cheerfulness around them. These people are smart, discerning, and talented. They know how to handle money, knowing well their price, weight and value. They are quickly addicted, energetic and impetuous. They, like air, require large spaces, freedom of thought and movement. They often have a wonderful oratorical gift. They succeed in drawing attention to their own person, as well as in giving a subtle compliment.

Horses love gatherings and entertainment, public shows, theater and cinema, exhibitions, concert halls, sports stadiums, rallies and demonstrations. Often they go in for sports themselves - and very successfully. Self-confident, knowing their own worth, they always strive to be in the thick of things, in the spotlight. And another distinguishing feature of the Horse is a strong craving for the opposite sex.

Horses zodiac sign

Horses are very independent, rarely listen to the advice of others, and are more guided by their own discretion. Often they draw attention to themselves either by too extravagant clothes, or by free and casual behavior. For them, life is a call to a journey into the unknown. Curiosity and a thirst for risk often push them to adventure and adventure.

Horses boldly and very confidently block their opponents and opponents. They can achieve success in the field of politics, not only because of their brilliant oratorical gift, but also thanks to the ability and ability to manage the audience, the crowd, grasping the thoughts of the interlocutors and listeners even before they are expressed, and deciding in advance whether to approve or refute them. True, often their self-confidence loses its strength, in its place comes doubt or even mistrust of oneself. In these cases, they can even lose their temper, and then neither hot flashes nor outbursts of anger and rage are excluded, when they become truly uncontrollable.

Horses are real selfish. These people can trample anyone who turns out to be an obstacle or hindrance in their path. Their own shirt is closest to them. Their egocentrism puts forward only their own interests and problems to the fore, even when they do not interfere in the affairs of others. True, among the Horses there are also opposite types - very noble and magnanimous, always ready for sacrifices.

Rating Scorpio

46th President of the United States
1 Place
2 Place
American comedian, actor
3 Place
4 Place
Dominican professional baseball outfielder for the New York Yankees
5 Place
Canadian-American actor
6 Place
American film director
7 Place
8 Place
American actress and producer
9 Place
10 Place
Canadian actor
11 Place
American filmmaker and animator
12 Place
British professional tennis player
13 Place
former world No. 1 tennis player
14 Place
American media personality
15 Place
American former footballer
16 Place
Russian professional tennis player
17 Place
Canadian-American comedian
18 Place
Italian professional tennis player
19 Place
Swedish professional golfer
20 Place
English professional wrestler
21 Place
American businesswoman and inventor
22 Place
83rd governor of Georgia
23 Place
American model
24 Place
American basketball player
25 Place
67th United States Secretary of State
26 Place
Editor-in-Chief of Vogue
27 Place
Indian film producer
28 Place
American television personality
29 Place
South Korean producer and television director
30 Place

Rating Libra

American football tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League (NFL)
1 Place
Ghanaian-British actress
2 Place
African professional golfer
3 Place
Dutch-Belgian racing driver
4 Place
President of Russia
5 Place
Canadian-American actor
6 Place
Attorney general of New York
7 Place
8 Place
9 Place
Prime minister of Israel
10 Place
American former professional American football player
11 Place
American former professional football player
12 Place
Japanese professional tennis player
13 Place
American sports television personality
14 Place
American rapper
15 Place
Russian businessman
16 Place
U.S. representative for Wisconsin's 1st congressional district
17 Place
American model
18 Place
American football quarterback for the Houston Texans of the National Football League (NFL)
19 Place
American actor
20 Place
United States Special Envoy for Northern Ireland
21 Place
Indian film director
22 Place
American television personality
23 Place
American actor
24 Place
co-founder and CEO of Lyft
25 Place
American politician
26 Place
American professional baseball right fielder and first baseman for the Philadelphia Phillies of Major League Baseball (MLB)
27 Place
Chief Executive Officer
28 Place
American rapper
29 Place
American professional golfer
30 Place

Rating Goats

1 Place
American rapper, singer, songwriter
2 Place
American UFC color commentator
3 Place
Spanish professional tennis player
4 Place
Сhief executive officer of Microsoft
5 Place
American country music singer and actress
6 Place
American actor
7 Place
American politician
8 Place
former world No. 1 tennis player
9 Place
Japanese director
10 Place
American sports television personality
11 Place
American professional wrestler
12 Place
American television executive
13 Place
13th lieutenant governor of Georgia
14 Place
American political consultant
15 Place
American politican
16 Place
American actor
17 Place
Founder of the OutKick
18 Place
American professional golfer
19 Place
American filmmaker
20 Place
American professional baseball catcher for the Philadelphia Phillies of Major League Baseball (MLB)
21 Place
Founder of News Corp
22 Place
American novelist
23 Place
American model
24 Place
American baseball executive for the New York Yankees of Major League Baseball
25 Place
American actor
26 Place
American actor
27 Place
American screenwriter
28 Place
American professional mixed martial artist
29 Place
Australian-British screenwriter
30 Place

Rating Horses

46th President of the United States
1 Place
Governor of Florida
2 Place
Chief Executive Officer of Pershing Square Tontine Holdings
3 Place
English actor
4 Place
Australian actress and producer
5 Place
American environmental lawyer
6 Place
American singer and actress
7 Place
American film director
8 Place
American billionaire businessman and investor
9 Place
American filmmaker
10 Place
11 Place
American actor
12 Place
British professional tennis player
13 Place
American professional golfer
14 Place
American sportscaster
15 Place
American mixed martial artist
16 Place
United States Senate majority leader
17 Place
American singer
18 Place
American actor
19 Place
American college basketball player
20 Place
South Korean actress
21 Place
Japanese actor
22 Place
American track and field athlete
23 Place
American rapper
24 Place
Canadian actor
25 Place
American singer-songwriter
26 Place
Сhief financial officer of at Autodesk
27 Place
American rapper
28 Place
American country music singer-songwriter
29 Place
American college basketball coach
30 Place

Final assessment

Charmaine Penalba was born in the year of the Goats. According to the European zodiac - Scorpio. Jorge Martinez Mayol was born in the year of the Horses. According to the European zodiac - Libra. Character compatibility index Scorpio and Libra is 76%. Chinese zodiac signs compatibility index Goats and Horses is 72%. Final compatibility index - 74%.

Moon calendar

On the twelfth day, the young moon continues to be in phase II from the first quarter to the full moon. Wisdom and tranquility reign today. Do good, show compassion, show mercy, try to rebuild a relationship, give a gift or give alms. Try not to get angry. Having quarreled on this day, it will be almost impossible to make up.

Today is the time when prayers will be answered by God. A marriage made on this day will bring happiness. Dreams can be scary, but in the morning everything will be forgotten. Eat nuts on this day, drink juices. The heart is the energy center. Symbols of the day: Heart, Chalice. Stones: pink pearls, yellow coral, mother of pearl, lapis lazuli.

Moon calendar

Day 12

Today 20 April.
Age of the moon 11.7 Days - growing.
Moon at 405497.72 kilometers from the center of the earth.
Earth from the Sun at distance 150349126 kilometers.
Next new moon will be 3:24:19, 8 May 2024.

Horoscope by zodiac sign
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Personal horoscope

Sometimes you want to know what the coming day is preparing. Understand who is waiting for our support, and in what area we need help. Fortunately, our readers have such an opportunity. Julie Poe, a numerologist with extensive knowledge, prepares a forecast and generously shares his observations and warnings.
Julie Poe

Leading numerologist, best-selling author
Died this year
Born this year